For many years, pregnant mothers have been prescribed Zofran to ease morning sickness, but the medicine has a potentially catastrophic side effect that few expectant moms were aware of when they were using it. The medicine has been related to birth abnormalities that could be lethal.

The number of lawsuits filed by moms who took Zofran during their first trimester of pregnancy and later gave birth to a child with a birth defect such as a heart malformation or an oral cleft has been quickly increasing in recent months.

Zofran is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, a massive pharmaceutical company that was fined $105 million last year over charges in Texas and other states that it illegally promoted drugs. A $3 billion settlement in 2012 made by Glaxo resolved allegations that GSK promoted certain forms of Zofran off label in that drugs only approved only for post-operative nausea, were used for the treatment of morning sickness in pregnant women.

Now it is facing claims that it marketed Zofran to pregnant women without studying the potential risks of the drug to unborn children. A Houston morning sickness and Zofran lawyer is ready to help you with a dangerous drug lawsuit.

What Are the Most Common Birth Defects Associated With Zofran?

  • Musculoskeletal anomalies
  • Jaundice
  • Mouth deformities
  • Heart defects

How Much Research Has Been Done Into Zofran’s Side Effects for Pregnant Women?

An initial study carried out by Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen found no evidence that the fetus was placed at risk by the use of Zofran during early pregnancy. That study was based on a sample of 600,000 women.

However, another Danish study, which was based on research into 900,000 pregnant women who took Zofran, suggested there was a two-fold increase in infant heart defects.

Lawsuits Against Glaxo

Former users of Zofran are now filing large numbers of lawsuits against GlaxoSmithKline. The claims point to court documents that show as long ago as 1992, the British drug company knew that Zofran presented an “unreasonable risk of harm” to developing babies because the drug passes through the human placenta.

Morning Sickness and Zofran are a huge issue, if your baby was harmed after you took Zofran, you should call our Houston morning sickness and Zofran lawyers.

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